I have to say I am loving these Jim Dine projects! I totally love everything and anything about February because of Valentine's Day and Jim Dine. Who wouldn't want to create something totally fun and colorful out of hearts! These three lessons were done by second graders and first graders.
The Heart Collage idea came from Artolazzi blog, http://artolazzi.blogspot.com/2012/01/jim-dine-heart-collage.html. I changed my a lesson just a tad and tried black and white paper for the the background. I am running out of construction paper!!
This lesson took a total of three days.
The first day we painted on colored construction paper. They were to paint one painting of lines as a pattern and the other painting they printed shapes with found objects in the art room.
Next day I had cut their paintings into fours and we all shared. They were to cut four symmetrical hearts and paste them on four rectangles. If there was time we pasted four valentines on a 12x18 sheet of paper.
Next day students added the border with torn scraps. They could add some sequins on top of some of these to make art shiney.
I taped yarn on the back of these I hung up in the hallway.

First Grade Jim Dine Paintings and Heart Clay Medallions